Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the following measures apply to all participants of the Salomon Pitz Alpine Glacier Trail:
Event area:
Due to various regulations the following measures had to be taken regarding the event area:
Bar, catering and lounge areas, as well as the Expo and the supporting program are cancelled. The event area will be reduced to individual starting channels. Each channel will be clearly assigned to a start group and is recognizable as such:
- P105/P90/P60
- P45G
- P30
- P15
Runners only have access to their channel (access control with valid ID), where the race bib distribution (times can be found in the program) and on race day start/finish, luggage depot and aid station are located. Contact to runners of other channels is to be strictly avoided. Please note that all participants are in public areas outside the start channels and that the general Covid-19 guidelines and distance regulations apply here (Covid-19 Guidelines: Stay healthy! – Safety Guide: https://www.austria.info/en/service-and-facts/coronavirus-information).
Spectators/companions/coaches have no access to the start/finish channels and their immediate surroundings. They need to stay exclusively in the public area and must follow the general guidelines and distance regulations.
Before the race:
- With the collection of the starting documents all participants are registered. The registration is necessary in order to be informed in case of a positive Covid-19 test within 2 weeks after the event.
- A face mask must be worn when collecting the starting documents.
- The face mask must be worn in shuttle-bus to starting area
- Runners who arrive from risk areas (level 6 (“Reisewarnung”) according to https://www.bmeia.gv.at/reise-aufenthalt/reisewarnungen/ – deadline 01.08.2020) are asked to refrain from participating voluntarily. Please notify us at office@laufwerkstatt.at and your participation will be automatically transferred to the year 2021. The organizer reserves the right to exclude participants from risk areas that are not classified as such until after 01.08.2020 from participating in the event, even on site.
- Participation is (as usual) on own responsibility only with sufficient fitness and best health.
During the race:
- The start will be done with face mask (buff, tubular cloth).
- The latest regulation allows simultaneous starts of up to 200 people. However, in order to straighten out the starting field from the beginning and to reduce overtaking, we do not have a mass start and it will be started in tranches of approx. 50 people with assigned starting places. The allocation will be made after access to the start channel along the speed categories (elite, ambitious, pleasure runners). As usual, there will be a final equipment check when entering the start channel. The instructions of the moderator and the organizing committee must be followed in any case.
- Should there be waiting times when entering the start channel, sufficient distance to the other runners must be kept.
- A face mask must be worn when entering the start channel, during the start, during overtaking, within the supply station and in the finish area. A surgical mask isn’t necessary for this, but a tubular cloth/buff or similar is sufficient.
- The face mask does not have to be worn during the whole run.
- At aid stations the disinfection of the hands when entering the area is obligatory. The refilling of drinking bottles has to be done by yourself. With regard to food distribution, a container (folding bowl, etc. [NEW: part of the compulsory equipment]) must be carried along, in which the food can be deposited. The food is handed out exclusively by the personnel wearing hygienic gloves.
- The food is to be consumed at a sufficient distance from the aid station in an area provided and marked for the distance. A sufficient safety distance to other runners has to be kept, as well as the duration of the stay at the supply has to be reduced to the bare minimum. At the access to the supply there can be short waiting times.
- Only runners are allowed in the supply area. Spectators are requested to stay in public areas with sufficient distance to the aid station.
- The organizer reserves the right to disqualify runners who do not comply with the safety concept and the mentioned measures.
After the race:
- No public showers will be provided – please use the showers in your own accommodation.
- We ask to leave the finish area and the supply quickly after the finish in order to keep the space free for other finishers.
- The medals can be taken without contact, please only one medal per person.
- When leaving the start channel the race bib must be removed immediately.
- An award ceremony will only be held for the daily winners of the distances (male/female). All results and age group classifications can be found afterwards on our website: https://www.pitz-alpine.at/de/ergebnisse/.
- All participants commit themselves to immediately (!) notify office@laufwerkstatt.at in case of a positive Covid-19 test result until 2 weeks after the event.
**All information and regulations are subject to reservation and can be adapted to current conditions by the organizer at any time.